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Ilmakuva Humppilasta

Health and social services

The Welfare District of Forssa was established on 1.1. 2014. The Welfare District is responsible for organising public health services, environmental health services, veterinary services, social care and substance abuse services, and specialised medical care services in Forssa, Humppila, Jokioinen, Tammela and Ypäjä.

Contact centre

* 03 41 911

Telephone exchange to all services of the Welfare District

Humppila Health Centre


Mon-Fri 8-15
tel. +358 3 4191 2101

Mon-Fri 8-15
tel. +358 3 4191 2101

Dental care
tel. +358 3 4191 2541

Maternity and child health clinic

Maternity, Family Planning andChild Health and Counselling Services


Mon-Fri 12-13
tel. +358 3 4191 2233

Comprehensive school
tel. +358 50 331 5955

School welfare officer
tel. +358 50 336 9948

School psychologist
tel. +358 50 336 9947

Services for the elderly

Taina Haavisto
Housing Services Manager
tel. +358 3 4191 6460

tel. +358 50 917 4385

Home nursing care
tel. +358 3 4191 6195

tel. +358 3 4191 6197

Group home
tel. +358 3 4191 6199

Adult day care for seniors

Tiina Tuomisto
tel. +358 3 4191 6155

Service management

Marjatta Palojärvi
Head of Service Management
tel. +358 3 4191 6545

Disability services

Pia Nieminen
Disability Service Manager
tel. +358 3 4191 6067

Hanna Lehtonen
Disability social worker
tel. +358 3 4191 6067/044 706 4428

Intellectual Disability Services

Riikka Lehtinen
Service Manager
tel. +358 3 4191 6081/050 433 0443

Social Services

Regional Director of the Adult Social Services
Jaana Paasikangas
+358 50 569 4937

Social Worker
+358 50 574 7730
Available on even weeks. On odd weeks can be reached by phone.

Administrative Secretary for Adult Social Work
Arja Thynell
+358 44 706 4403

Outpatient services
+358 50 303 3107

Child welfare

Regional Child Welfare Director
Riikka Lammintausta-Mäkelä
+358 3 4191 6555

Child Welfare Officer
Tarja Jokinen
+358 3 41 911
Hours of telephone service: Mon-Fri 13-14

Child Welfare Social Worker
+358 3 41 911
Hours of telephone service: Mon-Fri 13-13.30

Disability services

Disability Service Manager
+358 3 4191 6040

Pia Nieminen
+358 3 4191 6067

Intellectual disability services

Daytime activities
+358 3 4191 6126


