The municipality is located in the Province of Southern Finland, Southwestern Häme
The municipality was founded in 1874
The municipality covers an area of 148.24 km2, of which 0.63 km2 is waterThe population at the turn of the year 2018 was 2 289
Income tax rate in 2018 is 22.00
The longest length of the municipality from the northwest to the southeast is 19 km and the width from the northeast to the southwest is 14 km. The highest point is 155 m above sea level at the border of the neighbouring municipality Urjala
The nearest town is Forssa, which is 21 km away. Other neighbours of the municipality are Jokioinen, Ypäjä, Loimaa, Punkalaidun and Urjala.
The largest employers in Humppila include the municipality itself, Humppilan Osuuspankki, Oy Hackman Designor Humppilan Lasi, Maviteknik Oy, Suomen Telakone Oy.